Saturday, July 27, 2013

Foods alternatives/complimentary to Gleevec (GIST)

Sil The precise book reference is "Cooking with fords that fight cancer" by Richard Beliveau and Denis Gingras, published by A&U. I got it from the ABC bookshop a few years ago but assume its widely available. There is also one which doesn't have the recipes by the same authors. They say in the book that it has recently been observed that lueolin and apigenin (found in mint, thyme and parsley) powerfully inhibit the activity of a key enzyme activated by the growth factor PDGF and involved in the establishment of new blood vessels in tumours. They go on to say that luteolin and apigenin posses an activity comparable to Gleevec. I am currently on Gleevec which thankfully is working, so I have not really looked into how much of parsley mint etc you need to eat to get an equivalent effect, nor whether it actually works on GIST. However, the book is very interesting in that it explains how cancer is currently thought to work, and explains how different foods may inhibit it. Also it suggests red wine and chocolate have ingredients that inhibit cancer so it has my vote!

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